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2021-2025 Balinese Wayang Listrik in Hawai‘i

Fundraising Support

Following the success of the 2019-2020 Balinese Wayang Listrik project, AFSEA took a smaller role for the 2021-2025 season of the project, titled Jaga Alam, as part of the UH Mānoa / East-West Center LuceSEA Transitions project. For 2021-2025, AFSEA continues to provide supplemental fundraising support for the project. 

For more information about Jaga Alam and access to their publicly available educational resources, check out the project website here.

"Jaga Alam​ means 'taking care of nature." It is a performance-based environmental education program featuring Balinese folk tales, shadow puppetry, and dance."  - Jaga Alam website

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Big mahalos to supporters David Robertson, Sasha and Angie Yuen, and those who donated to Dr. Kirstin Pauka's Facebook birthday fundraiser, all totaling $6,000 for the Jaga Alam project!

Jaga Alam

2019-2020 Balinese Wayang Listrik in Hawai‘i

Fundraising and Outreach Support

In Fall 2019, the Asian Theatre program at the University of Hawai‘i brought in Balinese master artists I Ketut Wirtawan, I Made Moja and I Made Widana on training residencies and staged a full multimedia shadow theatre production in Spring 2020, with a mandate of outreach to local schools so that the children and youth of Hawai‘i would also benefit from the production.

AFSEA and our partners wish to send a big mahalo to all our donors and supporters for making this project a success!

It was in support of this educational outreach that AFSEA entered into partnership with the Asian Theatre Program (in the Department of Theatre and Dance) and the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Hawai‘i-Mānoa, as well as the East-West Center Arts Program to join forces towards creating and providing a robust arts education outreach program for K-12 school children and youth in Spring 2020.

AFSEA was able to raise about $7,400 for the project, of which $3,200 was a Cultural Grant from the American-Indonesian Cultural and Educational Foundation (AICEF). Using these funds, AFSEA’s team of experienced coordinators and communicators, all with area studies experience in Indonesia and Bali specifically, supported the project by:

  • Creating a free teacher resource guide for use by educators available in print and online;

  • Sponsoring transportation and ticket costs for 283 public and public charter school students to be able to come see the show at Kennedy Theatre in Honolulu on February 12 and 13, 2020;

  • Supporting the funding and logistics of the outreach team of artists, student-performers, and coordinators to be able to give free performances and workshops for nearly 1,300 students from across 16 schools on the islands of O‘ahu and Kaua‘i.

  • In response to COVID-19, we also published a how-to video on creating your own wayang listrik theatre right at home using simple materials (see below)!

Visit UHCSEAS' webpage on Wayang Listrik for more information and FREE resources!

Mahalo and Matur Suksema to our Partners, Donors, and Supporters!

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Ellen-Rae Cachola * Ross Christensen * Maureen Freehill * Laura Hirayama * Jackob Hoffman * Katy Luo * Keith Nishimura  

Rohayati Paseng * Andre Pauka * Diane Reitsperger * Dave Robertson * Barbara S. Kitashima * Hiroshi Tanaka

Frances Wong * Deirdre Yim * JoAnn Yuen * Susan Yuen

(as well as 8 individuals who donated anonymously)

19-20 WL
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© 2022 Arts Focus Southeast Asia 

Arts Focus Southeast Asia (AFSEA) was established as a non-profit corporation,

and is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. EIN: 81-0754944

P.O. Box 61605

Honolulu, HI 96839, USA

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